Voice of temporary housing community


In September 2012, Mr. Takao Ono who is the chairman of temporary housing community said. “I hope that we will re-rise as soon as possible and go forward like as the great impetus of the dragon. Here is our start point so I think that by seeing this painting, we get the power to encourage us to face forward.”
Furthermore, he sent the video message at the end of that year.

Video message:
I appreciate that you visited here three times in a year.
All of us also appreciate for the great painting as we look at it every day.


When I first went to Ishinomaki winter 2011, it looked like this.
From this status, we cleaned the wall and put the undercoat in order to make a painting durable.


After then, draw the grid lines, on the basis of an original design and put up masking tape on the places that will not be colored. Then can draw rough outlines according to orginal paiting.


The volunteer staffs and the residents of the temporary housing get together to complete the painting jointly. Although there are both people who are good at painting or ones not experienced, all of us are enjoying.


Coloring is a very fun activity. Paint carefully so as not to protrude and not to be uneven.


This is the same temporary housing, but it becomes so much colorful like this.
As expected, a painting full of power makes our feelings more positive.


Lastly, the chairman of the temporary housing community colored the eye of the dragon and then we posed for a photo-op. How wonderful our smiles are!

Location: Suenukazukamae housing complex Ishinomaki City, Miyagi Prefecture

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